
Michael Hennen
Sales And Management Services
(aka SAMS Network)
Zechenstraβe 29
D-52146 Würselen
Phone: +49-2405-4526720
Fax: +49-2405-4526721

VAT ID No: DE 209 060 212
Tax ID No: 202-5154-0942

Picture credits

Some of the images used on this website are from photo libraries. The copyright of these images belongs to the respective photographers.

We would like to thank the following photographers from Pressmaster, RidoRene Drouyer, VizafotoMartin Novak, Anyaivanova, Wavebreakmedia Ltd, Fabiobalbi, Rawpixelimages, Victor Koldunov, Sebnem Ragiboglu, Kuprevich, Amenic181, Roman Samborskyi, Waroot Tangtumsatid, Nicolasmenijes.